Exploring the Essence of Yom HaShoah (with Rina bat Eliyahu)

The essence of Yom HaShoah - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Monument
Photo: Avishai Teicher
When makes Yom HaZikaron l’Shoah v’l’Gvura different from other days on the Hebrew calendar that commemorate the Nazi Holocaust?

Yehuda HaKohen is joined by Rina bat Eliyahu to discuss the Christian roots of European Jew hatred, different ways of understanding Yom HaZikaron l’Shoah v’l’Gvura (a day for remembering the Holocaust & the Heroism) and the lessons of the Holocaust for the Jewish people today.

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Guest: Rina bat Eliyahu

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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