Elites, Demagogues & the Jews

Elites, Demagogues & the Jews
The ruling class interest in anti-Semitism is similar to that of a guerrilla fighter in camouflage clothing.

One of America’s wealthiest citizens and most influential political figures is engaging with some of his country’s most notorious, virulent, Jew-hating demagogues.

Of course, the man I am talking about is Donald Trump; a multi-billionaire, former president, and frontrunner for the 2024 GOP nomination.

The Jew-haters in question are rapper Kanye West, who recently incited his 32.2 million Twitter followers against Jews, and pundit Nick Fuentes, who has instilled in his “America First” movement a strong opposition to “Jewish power” (complete with Holocaust denial) and has explicitly incited violence against Jews in the United States.

The event in question: a Mar-a-Lago Thanksgiving dinner between the three, with a few other attendees, in which the former president reportedly begged Kanye for his 2024 endorsement and noted his approval for Fuentes.

Or maybe, I’m not talking about Trump.

Maybe I’m talking about Barack Obama, the former two-term president well on his way to billionaire status, who may yet return to the White House through the potential presidency of his extremely popular wife, Michele.

The Jew-haters in question would then be Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has talked about Jews as subhuman cockroaches, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who repeatedly incited against Jews from the pulpit and then blamed “them Jews” for preventing him from having a greater influence in Obama’s administration.

Obama had a long relationship with Farrakhan before his presidency, pictured with him in 2005, and allegedly invited him to speak at meetings for the Congressional Black Caucus. Wright was Obama’s reverend for his entire time living in Chicago, describing him as a “spiritual advisor.”

Maybe I am talking about Trump with West and Fuentes. Maybe I am talking about Obama with Farrakhan and Wright. Or maybe I am talking about the many ruling class elites going back to the dawn of feudalism and their close relationships with the Jew-hating demagogues of their day.

Anti-Semitism must be understood as a system of oppression. The ruling class, be that the feudal lords of yore or the modern corporate masters, exploit the peasantry/working class. This exploitation is justified through ideology; feudalism was justified by Christianity, capitalism is justified by liberalism.

The Jew is positioned as a middle agent, a manager for the exploitation of the oppressed; the tax collectors, money-lenders, small-business owners, bankers, slumlords, record label executives throughout time.

Jews are given visible inclusion and proximity to power so that when the oppressed revolt, they do so against the oppressor they see; the Jew rather than the corporate master, burning the shtetl and leaving the castle untouched.

Material conditions are manipulated to create Jew-hatred from the exploited masses to protect the ruling class from the rightful anger of the exploited. These conditions are supplemented by the elites with ideological justifications. Not only is the Jew exploiting you, but he is also a Christ-killer, a cockroach, a fifth-column, an imposter, or whatever the reason may be.

Just as these ideologies are utilized to justify systems of oppression, they are utilized to further distract anger against the system towards the Jewish buffers.

Many expressed anger when basketball star Kyrie Irving shared the “Hebrews to Negros” documentary claiming that Jews were “fake Jews.” But few care to note that he shared it from Amazon Prime Video, where it has been and still is readily available for viewing consumption.

“Were there not an Israel,” said sitting President Joe Biden. “The United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest.”

Alternatively, in the words of John-Paul Satre: “If the Jew did not exist, the anti-Semite would have to invent him.”

For too long, the Jews have been utilized by Western elites as a buffer against the oppressed. It should come as no surprise that the two most recent presidents are so well-endowed in both material wealth and connections to the nastiest Jew-hating demagogues in the country. The ruling class has a vested interest in anti-Semitism that can be likened to the guerrilla fighter’s vested interest in camouflage clothing.

The only solution for the Jew is a strategic retreat, a long march away from the West.

As individuals, the Jews must leave Western societies (the United States in particular) for the State of Israel.

As a nation, Israel must disassociate itself from the Western sphere of influence and free ourselves from US control. Only then, when we pursue our own national interests rather than act as a tool for someone else’s agenda, will we truly be free from systemic anti-Semitism.

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