Cuba Blockade Vote Exposes Israel as a Puppet of Empire

Flag of Cuba
Jerusalem has consistently voted with Washington against ending the blockade, clearly signaling which side Israel sees itself on in the broader struggle between the world's oppressors & oppressed. 

The United Nations General Assembly demanded for the 30th consecutive timefor the 30th consecutive time this month that Washington stop its blockade against the Republic of Cuba.

At its New York headquarters on November 3, the UNGA overwhelmingly approved a resolution that it has passed each year since 1992 urging the United States to end the economic embargo it has weaponized against the socialist Caribbean nation for six decades.

Despite the intensification of the illegal blockade, the Cuban people have consistently defended their right to democratic national sovereignty. Since the revolution, the people of Cuba have overwhelmingly rejected all kinds of US interference in their nation’s domestic affairs.

185 nations voted in favor of the Cuban resolution to end the economic embargo this month. Two voted against it and two abstained.

The abstentions came from Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Ukraine and Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil – two nations that anyone following global affairs can see as obvious puppets of Washington.

But the two votes against ending the embargo were the United States itself and… the State of Israel!

Only Israel manages to behave more as an American vassal than the obvious US puppet states. But this month’s vote wasn’t the first. Jerusalem has consistently voted with Washington against ending the embargo, clearly signaling which side Israel takes in the struggle between the oppressed and oppressors of the world.

At a time when the Jewish people should be thinking about how to use our newly acquired power on the world stage to support the oppressed of the world, Israel has been the sole nation to vote alongside the empire against the Cuban people. Simply because our short sighted political leaders in Jerusalem believe Israel’s survival to depend on being allied to the forces of empire.

This is how systemic anti-Semitism operates on a global scale today. The Jewish people became conditioned in exile to see our survival as dependent on making ourselves useful to powerful gentiles – even if that forced us to participate in the oppression of others.

Now that the Jewish people has achieved political independence and the ability to defend ourselves for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, our political leadership has continued to seek out superpower patronage as a means of ensuring Israel’s survival. The need many Israelis – especially our ruling class – feel to be on “team USA” reveals the extent to which Jewish psychological liberation has not yet caught up to our material liberation.

To their credit, the Communist Party of Israel was the lone voice that actually condemned Israel’s support for continued US aggression against Cuba and called for the support of the Cuban people in their struggle to force the imperialist Biden administration to lift its unilateral and illegal embargo.

“The US blockade against Cuba was adopted unilaterally in the 1960s,” the CPI stated.

“The blockade is a criminal one as it violates international law, particularly the right of the Cuban people to self-determination.”

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