Circumsizing the Heart

Circumsizing the Heart - American flag with corporate logos instead of stars - capitalism illustrated

After the rebirth of the state of Israel, the baby-steps of the national platform of the Jewish people, a great spectre became flesh. Before the Cold War, capitalism was a way to provide livelihood. However, during the great imperialist duel between Russia and the US, capitalism became enshrined by the west, not as a way of making a living, but as a lifestyle, equal and opposite to that of their adversary. People began worshipping the hammer, instead of living in the houses it built. Stripping meaning from history, from existence, they purported an endless cycle of life. Go to school, make money to buy a uniform house, survive a life of uniformity, and raise kids to send to the same fate. The only answer to the question of “why,” why continue the cycle, why condemn ourselves and our children, were answered with that hallowed slur: “This is America, we are Americans.”

Those who were not satisfied were purged, drenched scarlet with the blood of their souls. The Americans beseeched HaShem for help, adding a Germanic appropriation of His name to their Pledge of Allegiance, as if HaShem would help those who lust for His concealment for all time. Those who love the skin of this world only take pleasure in it, our sages teach that this is their lot. As Israel rises, this will be severed, for “no uncircumcised may participate in it’s (The Shabbat) rest.”

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