The Joke: When Interfaith Affairs & Jewish Ethics Collide
byIsraeli political leaders, media personalities & even rabbis are giving a platform to Christian missionaries for fear of losing evangelical support.
Israeli political leaders, media personalities & even rabbis are giving a platform to Christian missionaries for fear of losing evangelical support.
Resisting American efforts to reopen the Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem might require Israel to entertain some outside-the-box solutions.
Our rabbis would do well to take their minds off of Rome and look to Jerusalem – where Hebrew-speaking Christian missionaries have been making dangerous inroads into local Jewish communities.
Roughly three hundred organizations in Israel are dedicated to converting Jews to a belief in Jesus.
One can be critical of the Israeli state & army while still appreciating the opportunity to actively participate in Jewish history’s current chapter.
Despite what people say, it’s difficult for me to separate anti-Zionism from anti-Semitism.
A relationship built on the intangible, irreconcilable & impossible foundation of conflicting ethics & theologies allows for no honest debate or respect.
An exclusively materialist framework isn’t able to grasp the idealist components of Israel’s mission.
Christian missionary activities in Israel strongly resemble the narcissistic behavior of a parasite.
The increase in Jews ascending the Temple Mount & the failure to form a Likud-led coalition share the same root dogmatism in Israel’s national camp.
This violence & the messages of hate on ethnic lines surrounding it, are symptoms of broader systemic failings & contradictions we need to rise above.
The US-Israel relationship has always been conditioned on submission to the regional interests and imperialist demands of the United States.