There are No ‘Secular Jews’
bySimply looking at the historical & etymological origins of the term ‘secular’ makes clear that the concept has no place in authentic Jewish discourse.
Simply looking at the historical & etymological origins of the term ‘secular’ makes clear that the concept has no place in authentic Jewish discourse.
The recent incident at Ein Keshatot shows that attempts to resist missionary activities in Israel are hamstrung by so many otherwise proud Jews cooperating with Evangelical Christians.
The internal disagreements over calling itself a ‘Zionist’ party should be understood as expressing the deep ideological Zionism present in Meretz.
Ben Shapiro preferring life in America to returning to Israel is merely a symptom of his psychologically living in the ideological paradigm of the civilization directly obstructing his own people’s liberation.
It isn’t merely concern over Iran but also a deep subconscious will to unite Semitic peoples outside of US-led frameworks that drives regional peace.
As a ‘moderate’ spiritual leader of Hebrew descent, Bilaam refuses to concede the correctness of the ‘radical’ Hebrew nation emerging from the desert.
Israel’s leadership is directly responsible for how we as a collective are perceived by the world.
“The whole world is a very narrow bridge, but the main thing is for us to not have any fear at all.”
(Rebbi Naḥman of Breslov)
The festival of Shavuot is about creating a free civilization in our own land, with a cultural inheritance and deep sense of collective purpose.
It’s worth exploring the many ways Jewish political, social, communal & even spiritual leaders tied to the financial benefits of Christian missionary support delude themselves & their followers.
Compromising Israel’s sovereignty to the Council of Europe is only a symptom of a much larger problem.
Although the Torah was transmitted at a specific historic moment, its themes & lessons – especially those pertaining to the Exodus – remain eternal.