The Dance of Anti-Semitism
byThe Jews need to stop trying to change the anti-Semites & start changing the steps of our dance.
The Jews need to stop trying to change the anti-Semites & start changing the steps of our dance.
‘It is the story of self-narrative that determines the shape of the expression of our lived experiences.’
Michael White (Narrative therapy pioneer)
The ruling class interest in anti-Semitism is similar to that of a guerrilla fighter in camouflage clothing.
Treating Sigd as an ‘Ethiopian Heritage Day’ robs it of its true value & disrespects generations of Beta Israel who struggled to return home to Israel.
Evangelical missionaries have used classic deception techniques to gain a foothold in Israel and attain wide-spread endorsement & cooperation from our government as they target local Jews.
The controversy surrounding Kanye demonstrates once again that when Jews try to combat anti-Semitism in the same way that other groups fight to be heard, we’re perceived to be punching down.
By accepting the role ascribed to it by the Haskalah, ‘Orthodox Judaism’ has essentially functioned as a vehicle for promoting the Enlightenment’s liberal ideological paradigm among Torah observant Jews.
Washington’s meddling in internal Israeli political issues aims to increase influence over our leaders, prevent the annexation of our heartland, dilute the nation’s Jewishness & transform Israel into a vassal.
Israel’s national development & socio-political trajectory can be best understood by examining the dynamic progression of our ancient kings.
The Queen didn’t so much lead the British people as much as she became a living embodiment of them.
If the State of Israel hopes to continue developing on a trajectory that exceeds Herzl’s Zionist dreams, we must work to strengthen rather than demonize our nation’s fastest growing population sectors.
Unlike the United States – where no deep cohesion exists amongst the general populace – social programs are successful & celebrated in Israel.