Struggling with the Fast of G’dalia
byOf all the Jews murdered throughout history, why should we fast for G’dalia ben-Aḥikam? There must be a reason beyond the assassination itself.
Of all the Jews murdered throughout history, why should we fast for G’dalia ben-Aḥikam? There must be a reason beyond the assassination itself.
About a month before I embarked on my summer in Israel, the United States decided to move its embassy to Jerusalem, acting through a…
The association of Edom with Rome & the ensuing Roman destruction of Judea has marked Edom-Rome in our people’s national consciousness as the central antagonist in Israel’s collective story.
I respect Noam Chomsky. He’s a brilliant thinker with much to teach us on morality, language, education, and so many other issues. But he…
The definitive feature of a Hellenized Jew under Seleucid-Greek rule in ancient Judea wasn’t a lack of adherence to Torah law but rather the adoption of a Greek lens through which to view the world.
What’s wrong with Eurovision coming to Israel? Let me count the ways. Israel isn’t a part of Europe. Competing in European sports leagues and…
Liberalism is becoming less fashionable every day. Looking at the situation realistically makes it easy to understand why. Liberals are an out-of-touch elite that…
I made Aliyah five years ago and spent my first three and a half years in the country on Kibbutz Alumim, a small dati…
Jabotinsky should be seen as the progenitor of today’s Jewish right, both in Israel and the Diaspora. But he did make one very important contribution.
“The educational system is supposed to train people to be obedient, conformist, not think too much, do what you’re told, stay passive, don’t cause…
All across the Middle East, the people are awakening to a new reality. Some are in denial, and the directions chosen are not in…
Only in “developed” countries can you pay $200,000 dollars for a piece of paper from a university that promises no return on investment. Only…