Disney’s Frozen 2 Reveals a Shift in the Collective Unconscious
byThe new hero’s journey strives for the synthesis inherent in regaining access to our mythological roots while remaining in a conscious state.
The new hero’s journey strives for the synthesis inherent in regaining access to our mythological roots while remaining in a conscious state.
As the nation of former slaves who introduced Shabbat to mankind, we shouldn’t force workers to choose between their basic needs and spending time with their families the one day children are home.
The FBI fabricated evidence of anti-Semitism in order to weaponize the JDL against the Panthers.
While insisting on respect for the diverse spectrum of beliefs among its numerous members, the UN functions almost exclusively within the ideological paradigm of its most dominant nations.
The common themes of destructive encounters with the West, connection to ancestral land, unity, and liberation should foster Jewish solidarity with the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
What humans are doing to other humans in those ICE detention centers is in direct conflict with the most foundational Jewish values.
There are always a million thoughts and feelings swimming around the eternal perimeter of my mind. In the background, the sound of the nostalgic…
Pinḥas and his ideological successors were the radical minority upsetting the comfortable status quo – often at high immediate costs to themselves.
Jews fighting for Palestinians can’t not make their struggles about themselves because to do so would be dishonest – especially in-so-far as Palestinian and Jewish liberation have become so intertwined.
Prime Minister Yitzḥak Shamir exemplified an inner strength and sense of responsibility to Jewish history sorely lacking from Israeli politics today.
Most Israelis oppose what they perceive to be offensive mock Jewish practices at our sacred places and prefer such sites be maintained by those learned in Israel’s ancient laws and customs.
Jewish women forgot our own power.