Zionists for Dividing Zion
byThe crux of the neo-Zionist argument put forward by Flayton & Hyde is that Palestinians & Ḥaredi Jews pose an existential threat to Zionist Jerusalem.
The crux of the neo-Zionist argument put forward by Flayton & Hyde is that Palestinians & Ḥaredi Jews pose an existential threat to Zionist Jerusalem.
Barak has long worked to advance American interests in Israel & it therefore shouldn’t surprise us to see him at the center of the protest movement.
Israel’s ruling class is often blinded by its stubborn refusal to accept the fact that ‘second Israel’ is growing stronger than the ‘first Israel’ elites.
The fact that Washington & its allies are so invested in stopping this bill indicates the extent to which its passing would obstruct their regional interests.
Just as 19th Century democrats had to win the world over from the stability of monarchy to engage in a new political project, so too do those who wish to challenge liberalism need to present fresh ideas.
By conditioning an Israeli-Saudi peace agreement on the cessation of judicial reform legislation, Washington has made its true priorities clear.
When both sides of an intense political struggle claim to be fighting for democracy against authoritarian power, it’s always worth observing which side enjoys the support of US empire.
China assuming a leadership role in improving Saudi-Iranian relations might be more of an opportunity than a danger for the State of Israel.
Lifting the ban on a Jewish presence in the northern West Bank constitutes a meaningful first step in reversing the catastrophic 2005 Disengagement.
The anti-government protests led by the MQG are in reality a US attempt to take down a coalition deemed a threat to Washington’s interests in the region.
The Jews who attacked Huwara this week are actually Israel’s best suited ambassadors for reconciliation with Palestinian society.
The domestic & international hysteria over the Israeli government’s challenge to the Supreme Court serves to obfuscate the actual situation.