The Egyptian Ideology & True Purpose of the Plagues
byWhat was the ancient Egyptian worldview that humanity required liberation from? How did the ten plagues achieve that universal freedom?
What was the ancient Egyptian worldview that humanity required liberation from? How did the ten plagues achieve that universal freedom?
What’s the practical difference for the Israelites between suffering servitude to Pharaoh & becoming servants of the Creator? Did we truly become free?
Did the US intelligence community intentionally deceive Israel’s leadership regarding the likelihood of being attacked on Yom Kippur of 5734 (1973)?
As the Biden administration schemes to remove Netanyahu from office, the prime minister’s domestic political needs have aligned with exposing the toxicity of the US-Israel relationship.
If different societies have different concepts of freedom, what does freedom mean to Israel?
What does it mean to engage Yishmael from a place of power? Can a stronger Jewish identity help Israel to better communicate with the Islamic world?
Is Washington’s aggressive push for partition inadvertently strengthening Binyamin Netanyahu & increasing the Israeli public’s desire for freedom?
What does it mean to be a hero? Is the concept of heroism different for Israel than for other peoples?
Now that westernization has lost its grip on society, is Israel returning to the ethos of the Zionist era or advancing to a new stage of national development?
The story of Israel’s judicial reform battles from the perspective of one of the initiative’s co-architects.
Has the current Gaza War created better conditions for Israel to move towards military self-sufficiency & free ourselves from the United States?
Washington is demanding that Jerusalem present a plan for Gaza following the war against Hamas. But would unveiling such a plan be helpful right now?