Parshat Beshalaḥ - image of Pharaoh at the Sea of Reeds

Beshalaḥ: Between Freedom & Liberation

Between the smashing of Egypt’s military at the Sea of Reeds and the war against Amalek at Rephidim, the Hebrews had to develop a national perception of emuna in preparation for receiving the Torah.

Parshat Vayigash - Egyptian Sphinx

Vayigash: Recognizing Yosef

Did Yosef use the famine to bring his family down to Egypt in hopes of implementing an alternative approach to the Hebrew mission in the Diaspora?

Parshat Vayeishev - Yosef dreams of corn sheaves

Vayeishev: Yosef & Yehuda

As internal conflict over the Hebrew clan’s direction leads to tragic consequences for Yosef and Yehuda, each must discover his own messianic potential.