Israel’s Early Kings Map Our National Development
Israel’s national development & socio-political trajectory can be best understood by examining the dynamic progression of our ancient kings.
Rav Yehuda HaKohen is a West Bank Jewish organizer & educator. As a leader in the Vision movement, he works to empower students to become thought leaders & active participants in the current chapter of Jewish history. As part of Semitic Action, he organizes grassroots dialogue sessions for Palestinians & Israelis seeking to transcend competing one-sided narratives in favor of a more scientific analysis of what forces us into conflict.
Israel’s national development & socio-political trajectory can be best understood by examining the dynamic progression of our ancient kings.
There’s a hidden understanding of our Torah that has yet to reach the English-speaking Jewish world.
One can be critical of the Israeli state & army while still appreciating the opportunity to actively participate in Jewish history’s current chapter.
A more precise understanding of Israeli politics within the framework of our own people’s identity & worldview might help us better develop a much-needed post-Zionist Jewish liberation movement.
Israelis, Palestinians & our respective supporters tend to all share a self-defeating aversion to understanding the narratives of the Other.
What can the secrets of Torah celebrated on Lag Ba’Omer teach us about Israel’s historic mission & the antagonists we need to overcome to achieve it?
Yom HaZikaron is a day to stand in awe of those fighters who made a conscious decision to give their lives for the Jewish people’s national rebirth.
It’s important to recognize the internal development of the Hebrew tribes from the Exodus from Egypt to the Brit Sinai and consecration of the Mishkan.
If Dan is the extreme expression of Yosef in the same way that Shimon is of Yehuda, what was the importance of appointing tribesmen of Yehuda and Dan to lead the construction of the Mishkan?
A mistake that nearly had catastrophic results for the entire people of Israel ultimately revealed Moshe’s true greatness as a national leader.
By submerging individual identity into the collective Hebrew nation, the kohanim work to cleanse the children of Israel from all transgressions and to inspire the people with a powerful show of kedusha.
What can the Mishkan teach us about the ways Divine revelation is channeled into our world?