Confronting Anti-Israel Accusations
Can Israel leverage the criticisms of our detractors to advance Jewish liberation to the next stage?
Rav Yehuda HaKohen is a West Bank Jewish organizer & educator. As a leader in the Vision movement, he works to empower students to become thought leaders & active participants in the current chapter of Jewish history. As part of Semitic Action, he organizes grassroots dialogue sessions for Palestinians & Israelis seeking to transcend competing one-sided narratives in favor of a more scientific analysis of what forces us into conflict.
Can Israel leverage the criticisms of our detractors to advance Jewish liberation to the next stage?
Was the Zealot movement founded in the Galilee following the death of King Herod as Josephus claims? Or was it the continuation of something much older & deeper in Judean society?
The end of Bamidbar focuses on preparing the children of Israel for life in the promised land.
Despite its aggressive dedication to the land & people of Israel, the tribe of Shimon can be susceptible to seemingly benign foreign influences.
The primary theme of Parshat Balak is Israel’s spiritual confrontations with the other nations.
The primary theme of Parshat Ḥukat is Israel’s military confrontations with the other nations.
How should we understand the ideal relationship between the Jewish people & the Islamic world?
How we frame the Jesus myth & give it meaningful political context correlates to how both Jews & Palestinians understand national identity.
A revolutionary approach to Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation at Tel Aviv University’s Conflict Resolution & Mediation international program.
Where does Israel’s historic arch foe come from?
What are its foundational beliefs?
Who can best be identified as Amalek in modern times from the perspective of Jewish historiography?
The Jews who attacked Huwara this week are actually Israel’s best suited ambassadors for reconciliation with Palestinian society.
This week’s election results need to be understood within the context of Israel’s broader national development, as well as a major shift from one dominant ideological paradigm to another.