Scapegoating Otzma Yehudit
Scapegoating kahanists prevents us from dealing with some very real problems in Israeli society – namely how we as a collective relate to Palestinians.
Scapegoating kahanists prevents us from dealing with some very real problems in Israeli society – namely how we as a collective relate to Palestinians.
In his effort to prove the loyalty of the American Jewish community, Rahm Emanuel went so far as to show that he has personally placed Washington’s interests above those of the Jewish people.
Selling weapons to war criminals carries a very real human cost and corrupts Israeli society on a far deeper level than a few hooligans shouting offensive slogans from the opposition.
Netanyahu likely pushed for the inclusion of kahanists on the national-religious ticket in order to make it easier for him to leave the entire block in opposition when forming his new government.
The best strategy for resisting efforts to partition the country into two states would be to loudly protest the plan and make clear our opposition before the plan is officially announced.
Having a more willing Gantz heading Israel’s government could give Trump’s Middle East team a more compliant Israeli leadership to work with.
By choosing this date, the nations who aided in the genocide of our people have now essentially recast themselves as the heroes who came to our rescue.
The fifteenth of Shvat is one of the most ignored dates on the Hebrew calendar but carries deep secrets relevant to Israel’s national rebirth.
Reaction to the reports – whether fabricated or not – could help determine how far Trump feels he could push Israel’s government.
The disparity between the treatment of Jewish and Palestinian prisoners by our security forces should be corrected not by lowering the moral standard for how we treat Jewish prisoners but by raising the moral standard for how we treat Palestinians.
If we see a disparity between the treatment of Jewish and Palestinian prisoners by our security forces, we should correct that disparity not by lowering the standard for how we treat Jewish prisoners but by raising the standard for how we treat Palestinians.