Student Activists Fighting to include Young Voices in the World Zionist Congress
The VISION movement is challenging the recent price hike for student voters in the upcoming elections to the World Zionist Congress.
The VISION movement is challenging the recent price hike for student voters in the upcoming elections to the World Zionist Congress.
Professor Kedar’s claims could be nonsense but they could also be true. A transparent investigation with full access to the classified evidence could potentially heal Israel much more than it hurts.
Examining Lieberman’s political moves over the last three years makes clear that he’s been working to advance Washington’s two-state agenda.
Weapons companies prioritizing profits over human lives is perhaps one of the most destructive features of westernization in Israeli society.
Despite all the posturing and political theater taking place, Israelis should expect a Netanyahu-Gantz government – not because it’s what’s best for the State of Israel but because it’s what Trump wants.
The only way to ensure Netanyahu does not form a government with Gantz and accept Trump’s partition plan is for Israelis to vote for parties more loyal to the homeland than the Likud.
Can a Jewish presence thrive in Hebron in such a way that doesn’t negatively impact the city’s other inhabitants?
From the perspective of Jewish national interests, Ilhan Omar might be a better ally than Donald Trump.
Instead of trying to convince American leaders to let Israel keep the West Bank, Jews who care to protect our homeland should join the fight for full Israeli independence from the United States.
Netanyahu’s attempts to outmaneuver Trump are based on a false premise that accepts Israeli subservience to Washington.
A more effective means of combatting BDS would be to initiate alternative boycotts targeting American companies that profit from our conflict.
Jews fighting for Palestinians can’t not make their struggles about themselves because to do so would be dishonest – especially in-so-far as Palestinian and Jewish liberation have become so intertwined.