Likud Party ‘Rebels’ Merely Offering Shallow Nationalism
Empty populist statements about the homeland’s territorial integrity are worthless if not coupled with a program to break free from the forces of empire.
Empty populist statements about the homeland’s territorial integrity are worthless if not coupled with a program to break free from the forces of empire.
As Beinart continues to develop his ideas, he may discover the need for us to create new structures more in line with the identities & values of this land.
Despite his late start, David Elḥayani is emerging a true leader. But he’ll need broad grassroots support to prevent the Trump plan’s implementation.
In addition to complete rejection of the Trump plan and resistance to its implementation, the best political strategy for Israel’s national camp would be to aggressively push for independence from the US.
Netanyahu deserves credit for shifting the international discussion over the territories in Israel’s favor but it’s unclear if his long-term plan is to resist or implement the Trump plan.
Making overly generous offers to Blue & White while offering insulting portfolios to Yamina indicates that Netanyahu’s moves are being closely coordinated with the Trump team.
Over a thousand Jews expressed a desire for fresh ideas & new conversations about meaningful participation in this chapter of our people’s story.
The best way to strengthen Israel against Trump and his plan in these elections is to support smaller parties ideological opposed to territorial surrender.
By embracing the two-state paradigm or even thinking it’s Washington’s role to broker a deal, Trump has adopted the major errors underlying all foreign attempts to end our conflict.
Celebrating the “Pompeo Doctrine” exposes the deep psychological subjugation of Jewish nationalists to the forces of US empire.
Israel’s difficult balance between particularism and universalism is often highlighted around Ḥanukah, which celebrates the victory of a radical tribalist minority over the forces of cultural imperialism.
Washington’s interests in the Semitic region have long demanded the partition of Israel into two separate states, each dependent on US economic and military aid to survive.