Joshua Tartakovsky
Joshua Tartakovsky is an independent journalist and a graduate of Brown University and LSE, where he studied international relations. He has lived in Latin America, the United States, Europe and Asia. In the past, Josh has worked for the International Defense and Security Team at Transparency International in London and interned for the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (Sarajevo), the Global Public Policy Institute (Berlin) and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (Israel). He has also taught in a favela in Rio de Janeiro, and produced a short film interviewing Palestinian students in the West Bank. Growing up in Israel and living in various developing countries has provided Josh unconventional bottom-up perspectives on pressing issues that integrate various viewpoints that often remain unheard in the academic ivory tower. He also enjoys challenging commonly accepted notions by providing original perspectives and has written on Greece, Turkey, Israel, Ukraine and Russia. His articles have been published on Truth-Out, AlterNet, Off-Guardian, Anti-war, Telesur, CounterPunch and others and he appeared on RT and Press TV. Josh is interested in the prospects of a multi polar world.