Grave of Rabbi Akiva ben Yosef

Remembering Rabbi Akiva ben-Yosef

Rabbi Akiva was the greatest of the Talmudic sages & a leading voice of Judean resistance to Roman rule. He served as a leader in the Bar Kokhba Revolt & still inspires generations with his teachings.

The Zealots

Understanding the Zealot Movement

While the Zealot movement fought a class struggle alongside its national struggle for independence, it would be wrong to understand the Great Revolt solely through the prism of revolutionary theory.


Living in the Seventh Day

The revival of our language, ingathering of our exiles, attainment of independence and unification of Jerusalem merely represent stages in a larger ongoing revolution we are meant to participate in.

Lag B'Omer Bonfire in Jerusalem

Lag Ba’Omer

Rabbi Shimon bar-Yoḥai refused to accept Roman dominion over Judea. As a fugitive from the empire, he hid out in a cave where the legendary Eliyahu taught him the Torah’s deepest secrets.