Cointelpro, JDL & the Black Panther Party
The FBI fabricated evidence of anti-Semitism in order to weaponize the JDL against the Panthers.
Aryeh Leib Shapiro made aliyah from America in 2018 after finishing a degree in International Relations and History, and since finishing his army service, he learns at Machon Meir in Jerusalem while organizing and writing for Vision.
The FBI fabricated evidence of anti-Semitism in order to weaponize the JDL against the Panthers.
While insisting on respect for the diverse spectrum of beliefs among its numerous members, the UN functions almost exclusively within the ideological paradigm of its most dominant nations.
Pinḥas and his ideological successors were the radical minority upsetting the comfortable status quo – often at high immediate costs to themselves.
One cannot deny the deep and complex emotional reactions of Jews to a flaming Notre Dame.
Moshe, having lived 120 years to the date of his birth, completed his role as Israel’s national leader, judge, leading prophet & even high priest.
We refer to our enemies in this period as ‘Yevanim’ not for geopolitical reasons, but for the primordial cultural force that they represented and spread via their temporal power.
Just as Roman citizenship cost submission to Roman imperial culture, the cost of inclusion into liberal Western society always came with a subtle demand for cultural assimilation.
By ignoring our national aspirations & questions about the next stages of Jewish history, pro-Israel Diaspora Jews have directed their energies to merely defending the State of Israel’s policies & image.
The essence of the story is the total devotion each martyr had to spreading and protecting the Torah and for being lions in the struggle to free their country from Roman rule.
The association of Edom with Rome & the ensuing Roman destruction of Judea has marked Edom-Rome in our people’s national consciousness as the central antagonist in Israel’s collective story.
Amalek persists as an enemy that threatens Israel in times of great doubt regarding our historic mission.