עד מתי
byThere may be a reckoning but probably not not like the Romans dream no knives and axes and pits of fire these things are…
There may be a reckoning but probably not not like the Romans dream no knives and axes and pits of fire these things are…
What does it mean to engage Yishmael from a place of power? Can a stronger Jewish identity help Israel to better communicate with the Islamic world?
Pro-Israel organizations have been getting it wrong for over 20 years. But there are some simple changes they could make that would allow them to succeed.
Never forget that the Creator’s eyes are always upon the land and her inhabitants to see they remember always they are living in his…
Is Washington’s aggressive push for partition inadvertently strengthening Binyamin Netanyahu & increasing the Israeli public’s desire for freedom?
The Americans are more committed than ever to a ‘two-state solution’ & clearly view Netanyahu as the primary obstacle to their agenda for the region.
What does it mean to be a hero? Is the concept of heroism different for Israel than for other peoples?
Now that westernization has lost its grip on society, is Israel returning to the ethos of the Zionist era or advancing to a new stage of national development?
How should we understand the ideal relationship between the Jewish people & the Islamic world?
I am a woman born to an ancient tribe. Mothers and grandmothers before me bore Jewish generations successful in abundant survival a force to…
The story of Israel’s judicial reform battles from the perspective of one of the initiative’s co-architects.
Despite his many flaws, Prime Minister Netanyahu is the only national leader that recognizes US regional interests as a threat to Israel’s existence.