Post-Zionism & Jewish Liberation
byIsrael needs a post-Zionist Jewish liberation ideology that can transcend narrow nationalism and present a uniquely Hebrew universalism.
Israel needs a post-Zionist Jewish liberation ideology that can transcend narrow nationalism and present a uniquely Hebrew universalism.
Pinḥas and his ideological successors were the radical minority upsetting the comfortable status quo – often at high immediate costs to themselves.
How similar are the Hebrew and Islamic visions for the world? Can Jews and Muslims be partners in achieving our respective missions?
A more effective means of combatting BDS would be to initiate alternative boycotts targeting American companies that profit from our conflict.
While the Zealot movement fought a class struggle alongside its national struggle for independence, it would be wrong to understand the Great Revolt solely through the prism of revolutionary theory.
Jews fighting for Palestinians can’t not make their struggles about themselves because to do so would be dishonest – especially in-so-far as Palestinian and Jewish liberation have become so intertwined.
Even beyond our own experiences of oppression, the Jewish people has carried within us through history a drive to fight injustice in all its forms.
Bring yourself out Bring yourself to dance and to sing Stand on two feet Or crawl on four Balance on shoulders Bring yourself to…
Sarah Tuttle-Singer and Rabbi Yehuda HaKohen talk about their first experiences with Israel, approaches to peace, ostensibly rival narratives and societal frictions in the State of Israel.
Prime Minister Yitzḥak Shamir exemplified an inner strength and sense of responsibility to Jewish history sorely lacking from Israeli politics today.
The month of Tammuz should be dedicated to learning about the Zealot movement, its leading personalities, worldview & struggle for freedom.
G-d bless my tongue and erase my selves which cling to pride at the work of the pen There is one poet and a…