Now What?
byThe people of the book For three thousand years have faithfully recorded Our wondrous history First the prophets Their stories catalogued and inscribed in…
The people of the book For three thousand years have faithfully recorded Our wondrous history First the prophets Their stories catalogued and inscribed in…
In what ways has Jewish identity been colonized and how far should Israel’s postcolonial conversation actually go?
From the perspective of Jewish national interests, Ilhan Omar might be a better ally than Donald Trump.
My harp is shattered strings snapped and neck warped the picture of dissonance and distension but still my mouth opens to offer song to…
Instead of trying to convince American leaders to let Israel keep the West Bank, Jews who care to protect our homeland should join the fight for full Israeli independence from the United States.
The abusive behavior of Israeli police toward the hilltop youth subculture will likely only harden and further radicalize Judean teenagers.
The Holocaust carries a particularist Jewish message of “Never Again” but also a universal message that calls on us to protect others from the brutality we have faced – even when that brutality doesn’t reach the same heights.
Israel needs a post-Zionist Jewish liberation ideology that can transcend narrow nationalism and present a uniquely Hebrew universalism.
Can maintaining one foot in reality and another in the dream for a better future allow ‘radicals’ to succeed where ‘moderates’ have failed?
We sang the song of home On alien soil Each residence A reminder of exile We greeted each With a wasting smile And clung…
Netanyahu’s attempts to outmaneuver Trump are based on a false premise that accepts Israeli subservience to Washington.
There are always a million thoughts and feelings swimming around the eternal perimeter of my mind. In the background, the sound of the nostalgic…