From the Maccabean Partisan Camp
byWhat can Israel learn from Washington’s betrayal of the Kurdish people about liberating ourselves from systemic anti-Semitism?
What can Israel learn from Washington’s betrayal of the Kurdish people about liberating ourselves from systemic anti-Semitism?
While insisting on respect for the diverse spectrum of beliefs among its numerous members, the UN functions almost exclusively within the ideological paradigm of its most dominant nations.
Can a stream shape a mountain? Rabbi Akiva realized this When he saw the water dripping Dripping On the rock He understood the gentle…
Examining Lieberman’s political moves over the last three years makes clear that he’s been working to advance Washington’s two-state agenda.
The common themes of destructive encounters with the West, connection to ancestral land, unity, and liberation should foster Jewish solidarity with the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Rabbi Akiva was the greatest of the Talmudic sages & a leading voice of Judean resistance to Roman rule. He served as a leader in the Bar Kokhba Revolt & still inspires generations with his teachings.
Unlike most of the festivals on the Hebrew calendar, Sukkot commemorates an event that takes place in the future but has ramifications for the present.
Washington consistently avoided empowering the Kurds to become an independent regional player with the ability to defend themselves without US assistance.
Weapons companies prioritizing profits over human lives is perhaps one of the most destructive features of westernization in Israeli society.
What does the struggle for Hebrew liberation demand of Diaspora university students today?
The worst attempt in history To quench the holy fire Where just a very lucky few Slipped through the tight barbed wire We…
If the council is serious about safeguarding Jewish life in Samaria and Judea, they would attack the threat at the roots rather than just the branches.