You Can’t Ever Say You Haven’t Been Told
byIsraeli organizations accepting evangelical Christian support must acknowledge that they are being used to help missionaries gain credibility & legitimacy within Israel’s most vulnerable sectors.
Israeli organizations accepting evangelical Christian support must acknowledge that they are being used to help missionaries gain credibility & legitimacy within Israel’s most vulnerable sectors.
If Haran, a third of the Hebrews Has perished in an oven far from his native soil And Naḥor has forgotten himself In the…
How US deception, military arrogance & a desire to appear as the ‘good guy’ to the world caused Israel to suffer a stunning surprise attack on two fronts.
Seasoned US politicians should know that it’s not the ‘Israel lobby’ but the military industrial complex they’d go to war with if they try cutting aid to Israel.
Will PA elections actually take place? And are any of the factions participating in the race ready to move past the two-state paradigm and entertain new approaches to Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation?
J Street’s openness to confederation should not be understood as a rejection of the two-state model but rather as an attempt to rebrand the failed policy.
If any one factor forced the British Empire to withdraw from Palestine so that Israel could declare a state, it was the defiant resistance of the young Jews who gave their lives for their people’s freedom.
What makes Smotrich’s position so disappointing is that he represents precisely the sector of Israeli society that should be engaging the Palestinians.
How Egyptian President Anwar Sadat broke free of the constraints of Soviet control & successfully tricked an arrogant Israeli military establishment.
Yom HaZikaron is a day to stand in awe of those fighters who made a conscious decision to give their lives for the Jewish people’s national rebirth.
Is there something about each of the new dates of significance added to the Hebrew calendar since the establishment of the State of Israel that even most of the Jewish world doesn’t fully appreciate?
Even after nearly forty years, Jewish leaders in the United States can’t bring themselves to recognize the very real dilemma Jonathan Pollard was faced with.