Understanding Yom HaZikaron
byYom HaZikaron is a day to stand in awe of those fighters who made a conscious decision to give their lives for the Jewish people’s national rebirth.
Yom HaZikaron is a day to stand in awe of those fighters who made a conscious decision to give their lives for the Jewish people’s national rebirth.
Is there something about each of the new dates of significance added to the Hebrew calendar since the establishment of the State of Israel that even most of the Jewish world doesn’t fully appreciate?
Even after nearly forty years, Jewish leaders in the United States can’t bring themselves to recognize the very real dilemma Jonathan Pollard was faced with.
Do Western political labels really fit Israeli society?
Long before there was a ‘start-up nation’ the children of Israel were the ‘can do people.’ But the Jewish state’s constant crisis-solving posture has often created new challenges of its own.
Beyond the wilderness Of awesome, towering rocks and sheer cliffs The shifting sands turn low and level Giving way to a cruel, greedy world…
Missionaries gain some form of gratification from exploiting Israel’s most vulnerable populations.
It’s important to recognize the internal development of the Hebrew tribes from the Exodus from Egypt to the Brit Sinai and consecration of the Mishkan.
Elie Yosef is running for Knesset while on hunger strike in front of Gantz’s home in order to stop arms sales and rescue Jews still trapped in Ethiopia.
If Dan is the extreme expression of Yosef in the same way that Shimon is of Yehuda, what was the importance of appointing tribesmen of Yehuda and Dan to lead the construction of the Mishkan?
My grandmother taught me not to stare at the moon for too long and to never fall asleep facing a mirror My mother buried…
Labor Zionist attitudes toward the Israeli Black Panthers revealed a psychological blind spot that would later be exploited in a deadly surprise attack.