Not By Smoke
byThey tell me the stories of previous years The blackness and ashes left behind, The sheer inhumanity moves me to tears And yet –…
They tell me the stories of previous years The blackness and ashes left behind, The sheer inhumanity moves me to tears And yet –…
The first change demonstrated by Naftali Bennett’s ‘change coalition’ is the ending of unemployment payments to Israeli job seekers and their families.
Evans and the Christian Zionist missionaries he represents could lose their power base in Israel without Netanyahu in the prime minister’s office.
It’s not always simple to identify a conflict’s winner.
When our nation wandered in the wilderness a strange enemy drew near cloaked in Amalekite garb but they spoke the Canaanite tongue a language…
Will Israel’s new ‘change coalition’ be able to resist American pressure as skillfully as Netanyahu?
Holy, Holy, Holy Is our King. He reigns Supreme, Lofty on His Throne. His People flock, they run To where you may ask? To…
Forming a ‘change government’ would force Bennett to betray his voters but it would also make him a national leader in the eyes of the broader public.
Washington’s two-state paradigm has for decades been a major contributor to pushing Israelis & Palestinians into unnecessary conflict.
“I stand with Israel” you proclaim From a million miles across the sea As rockets rain down over my head “I stand with Israel”…
Pray tell, what is this? These are surely miracles thousands of rockets thrown by Jihadi killers and caught by tech geeks This is the…
Israelis, Palestinians & our respective supporters abroad have become so entrenched in our narrow narratives that even trying to understand the Other is now perceived as an act of betrayal.