Social Programs Thrive in Israel
byUnlike the United States – where no deep cohesion exists amongst the general populace – social programs are successful & celebrated in Israel.
Unlike the United States – where no deep cohesion exists amongst the general populace – social programs are successful & celebrated in Israel.
Can social media serve as a platform for high level conversations around Jewish identity & liberation?
The early development of Christianity, replacement theology & the doctrine of the ‘suffering witness’ set the scene for what the exiled Jewish people would experience in Europe during the Middle Ages.
Simply looking at the historical & etymological origins of the term ‘secular’ makes clear that the concept has no place in authentic Jewish discourse.
I have the blood of warriors pulsing through my veins from Yehudit to Queen Esther to the Maccabim Bar Kokhba fighters Ghetto uprisings the…
Is Tu B’Av merely the Jewish ‘Valentines Day’ or is that understanding part of our deep colonization?
A recent poll targeting younger voters reveals that the sectors of society more rooted in Israel’s Torah are growing stronger while those who frequently incite against those sectors are becoming weaker.
For all his many faults, Binyamin Netanyahu should be appreciated for having successfully defended Israel from Donald Trump’s two-state agenda.
When Israel was vulnerable in exile, we understood the brokenness of the world. But now that we have power again, we need to struggle to see injustice.
The recent incident at Ein Keshatot shows that attempts to resist missionary activities in Israel are hamstrung by so many otherwise proud Jews cooperating with Evangelical Christians.
The internal disagreements over calling itself a ‘Zionist’ party should be understood as expressing the deep ideological Zionism present in Meretz.
Ben Shapiro preferring life in America to returning to Israel is merely a symptom of his psychologically living in the ideological paradigm of the civilization directly obstructing his own people’s liberation.