Going Deeper Into the Ḥanukah Story (Featuring Rav Moshe Kaplan)

View from a Maccabean Cave - going deeper into the Hanukka story with Rav Moshe Kaplan
'View from a Maccabean Partisan Cave' Photo: Yehuda HaKohen
Explore the hidden meaning behind the Greek 'defilement' of the Temple oils (and the subsequent armed resistance led by Matityahu and his sons).

In an effort to go deeper into the Ḥanukah story, Yehuda HaKohen shares a class taught by his teacher, Rav Moshe Kaplan, on the ideological conflict in Judean society between the Maccabi underground and the Seleucid Greek Empire (based on the teachings of HaRav Avraham Yitzḥak HaKohen Kook).

Maoz Tzur outro music by Yehonatan Roth.

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Featuring: Rav Moshe Kaplan

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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