The Only Way Out

The unwillingness on all sides to transcend narrow generic narratives - image of violence in Lod
Israelis, Palestinians & our respective supporters abroad have become so entrenched in our narrow narratives that even trying to understand the Other is now perceived as an act of betrayal.

In response to the recent upsurge of violence in Israel, Rav Yehuda HaKohen criticizes the unwillingness on all sides to transcend narrow generic narratives and explains how the false image of the State of Israel crafted by the “hasbara industry” actually causes more people to misunderstand Israeli society.

Only a holistic approach to the history of Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians can allow both peoples to escape the seemingly endless cycle of violence.

Dedicated to the speedy recovery of Z’ev ben Faiga & Uri ben Faiga, as well as the elevation of the souls of Rav Pinas G’dalya HaKohen ben Shimon, aya Alla bat aim & Masha Bat aim.

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Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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