I’m Running for Knesset to Stop Arms Sales to Murderers

Hila Hershkoviz
Vision activist Hila Hershkoviz
Our people's collective mission is not merely to fulfill the needs of our individual nationalism but also to expand towards a uniquely Hebrew Universalism that positively impacts all of humanity.

Israel is turning a blind eye to the sale of weapons to vicious human-rights violators. 

This is the central focus of our new political party, HaLev HaYehudi (The Jewish Heart), aiming to enter the next Knesset.

However controversial, especially in a global climate where Israelis and Diaspora Jews grow ever more sensitive to vocal criticism of our government, our party is composed of individuals who find themselves unable to remain silent.

Israeli weapons are used by the murderous regime in Myanmar, an Israeli-trained and equipped unit is responsible for many of the atrocities that occur in Cameroon, and in South Sudan alone 382,000 innocent women and children have been killed by troops armed with Israeli weapons.

How have Israel’s political, legal, and media establishments collaborated to permit the abetting of genocide and crimes against humanity?

HaLev HaYehudiI am currently running for Knesset as number three on the list of Elie Yosef’s HaLev HaYehudi party, dedicated to stopping the State of Israel from selling weapons to murderous regimes.

It is imperative to understand that our mission in the Land of Israel is not merely to fulfill the needs of our individual nationalism, but also to expand towards a uniquely Hebrew universalism – an internationalist ethic that reflects and expresses our people’s authentic values.

As a people who hold paramount the sanctity of life, we cannot look away from the crimes being perpetrated and in doing so becoming de-facto parties to the insanity. It is up to us to demand a law prohibiting military exports to murderous governments, and to establish an external body to oversee the execution of that law.

HaLev HaYehudi is not just another political party. Our goal is to plumb the roots, to exorcise the shadows in our collective consciousness of the crimes that prevent us from being the national light we have returned to our land to become.

Our role as national leaders is to expunge corruption from our midst, to see our nation become a moral standard both inside and outside our borders.

Elie Yosef spoke to Kan News about what he hopes HaLev HaYehudi will achieve:

“We are Jews and human beings, and we believe we must not be partners to any genocide, or crimes against humanity, that take place in Cameroon, South Sudan and Myanmar.

We will not allow this Knesset to allow itself in our name to arm forces that commit mass murder and crimes against humanity. 

This will end.

Therefore, we will insert the Jewish Heart into the Knesset.  The Jewish Heart party that will act with sensitivity to all mankind.  To every Jew in this country, to every person in general…”

Our party has been allocated the letter כ (Kaf) for the ballot slip. Please give us your vote. And if you’re a Jew living in the United States who can’t vote in Israeli elections, you can still support us by voting for the VISION movement (slate #5) in the World Zionist Congress (voting is taking place online right now!!).

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