Rebellion in the Imperial Core

Black Lives Matter protest
The Black-led protests erupting throughout the United States present an historic opportunity for proletarian and decolonial movements everywhere.

In the last week, Black-led popular uprisings have spread throughout the United States. The murder of George Floyd by Minnesota cops was simply the last straw. Cities are burning and the US government is taking on a fascist formation (as should be expected whenever capitalism enters major crisis).

While most US citizens and those paying attention throughout the world supported calls for justice immediately following Floyd’s murder (and the US establishment scrambles to pacify the public by ignoring systemic injustices and limiting  blame to the four cops involved), the corporate news and social media feeds have become full of liberal bourgeois whining about the violence and looting that has taken place at many of the protests.

The people expressing these criticisms have no appreciation whatsoever for the fact that the United States itself was established and built on violent looting. The violent looting of land from indigenous peoples. The violent looting of human beings from Africa for slave labor. And the violent looting of the developing world to further enrich the American ruling class.

In response to the protests, President Donald Trump has designated ANTIFA a terrorist organization, despite the fact that ANTIFA isn’t an organization at all but merely a tactic for opposing fascism (the appropriate label for any state that declares anti-fascist organizing an act of terror should be obvious). This essentially means that in its desperate efforts to crush this rebellion, the US can deprive US citizens of their constitutional rights.

In order to transform the mass protests into a materially productive revolution, a popular front is crucial. Various movements need to quickly overcome their ideological and theoretical differences to come together and formulate a clear list of objectives and demands.

For various legitimate reasons, there are those unable to the streets or be on the front lines of this struggle and should push back against criticism of the protests online and/or contribute to bail funds like this these for those arrested:
New York
Bay Area

Jewish nationalists who’ve been conditioned by systemic anti-Semitism to stand against the protests should ask themselves how our people’s greatest heroes would stand if they were here. On whose side would Israel’s ancient prophets be on? What about the Maccabees and Zealots? Or the Sicarii and Leḥi?

This is a major historic moment, not just for the future of the United States but for humanity. If Malkhut Edom falls, either now or in a few years, the primary obstacle to proletarian and decolonial movements all over the world will be removed.

The 4th Empire, with all of its plundering mechanisms and extractive imperialism, has become the greatest barrier to human emancipation all over the globe, making this fight a truly internationalist one.

As the reality on the ground continues to develop, we need to understand that how this moment is seized will have a major impact for generations to come.


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