Objects in Mirror

Man standing under bright stars at night, "Objects in Mirror" by Yonah ben-Avraham

I found a mirror one fine night
and in its face were burning bright
those flecks of fire, sterling white
lancing the inky, earnest black

and in a glance I snuck a peek
at dancing flame and distance bleak
I sighed, a rattle and a creak
my grip upon its handle slack

My yearning breath then fogged the glass
I muttered something rather crass
the mirror tightened in my grasp
its frame began to crack

I cursed and wiped the misty fray
but panting in my desperate sway
the stars remained a breath away
it was patience that I lacked

And in my haste I struck the rock
its face then shattered, motherfuc-
shards cut my hand, those lights now locked
behind the doors of simple tact

I nursed my wound and whispered lies
the heavens deafened to my cries
but looking down, I smiled wide
and fell upon my back

I’d just seen in that dire strait
a sight to make the heart elate
a reflecting shard, shining my fate
for the stars were in my eyes

It seems never to0 far was I
from the twinkling dreams that pierce the sky
in truth, the mirror told the lies
for the stars are in my eyes

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