Where I Come From

I come
from a people
with a warrior gene
a history of victory
a tendency toward miracle
perpetual David
against perpetual Goliath
a nation of soldiers
an enemy of empire

I come
from a people
where peace is imperative,
a beginning and an ending
an idea we work for
shaped by diversity
embracing difference
loving unity

I come
from a people
with a language
concentrated in one country
spread throughout the world
in houses of worship and houses of man
studied in it’s original form
spoken in partnership
with foreign dialects
breathing familiarity in to tradition
decoding, recoding, and recording existence

I come
from a people
of pioneers
inheritors of our own destination, our own destiny
reality builders
risk takers
tilling territory, toiling in history
working old soil with new hands

I come
from a people
with a code
a guide to improvement
a lesson in connection
a written relic
a living document
shaping ethical landscapes
speaking to individuals
addressing nations

I come
from a people
a spiritual nation
an indescribable inheritance
a disputed definition
a tribe of millions
thriving on questioning
seeking out truth
a symbol of singularity
an echo of eternity..

(Originally published at https://itsjustsomethingtothinkabout.wordpress.com)

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